For In-Person Lessons At Potomac Falls Music Studio In Sterling, VA
- Teachers are fully vaccinated. Masks in the common waiting area are optional, but encouraged. Masks can be removed during lessons, unless it is you or your child’s preference to remain masked. For the safety of all of our students who share this space, please consider being in open communication with us about your comfort level, vaccination status, or if you are symptomatic. We are happy to accommodate your needs.
- Teaching studios accommodate social distancing of 3 feet between instructor and student.
- HEPA filters are present in Studio 1 and Studio A.
- Hand sanitizing and washing is available in-studio, as are disposable masks.
- Students who are quarantined or symptomatic may participate in virtual lessons.
These policies are in accordance with The State health Commissioner Order of Public Health Emergency, The International Coalition Performing Arts aerosol study and the National Association of Teachers of Singing reentry recommendations.