People ask us all the time, do we teach adults? Yes! Especially since the pandemic, we have found a huge uptake in adults who are looking to start music lessons. Whether to rekindle their former passion for music, start completely fresh, or hone-in on already well developed skills, folks are looking for a bit of musical inspiration and expression. We also have a good deal of adults interested in performing and writing music. So if you’ve been thinking about it, know you are not alone and we are here to help you get into the musical flow! Our student showcase is also an amazing way to share in the fun and meet your other musical neighbors!

Therapeutic Stress Relief
We all understand how listening to music can impact our mood, but did you know that the actual act of practicing music has been proven to have a positive impact on stress levels, anxiety, and depression? Practicing music can help us to focus, learn to self soothe, and boost mood enhancing chemicals in the brain such as dopamine! Playing music has also been linked to lowering cortisol levels (AKA stress hormones).
In our experience teaching music throughout the pandemic, we have found great reprieve in our personal practice regimes, and have also witnessed the positive impacts on our students. We are all under stressful conditions in one way or another these days, so why not learn how to play a musical instrument to help relieve stress and help to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression?